Zenith Boker Trade is a registered investment platform providing digital asset investment management services to individuals, lending and investment, multicurrency and multifunctional online platform based on blockchain technology.
We provide a dynamic investment solution to clients in need of a self-operating portfolio, as well as a smart fund with flexible time and investment amount.
Zenith Boker Trade is a multi-functional platform which allows each participant to keep money in a multi-currency online wallet, buy and sell currency on the exchange, invest money, get a loan in a convenient currency.
Zenith Boker Trade is a network of people who have come together to build a one-stop platform for the minting and harvesting of crypto and digital products. The platform built is The Earthmine, which is a multi-functional platform which allows each participant to mint, keep and transfer money in a multi-currency online wallet; buy and sell currency on the exchange; invest money; get a loan in a convenient currency.